The Gran Teatre del Liceu, aware of the climate emergency we are experiencing and its role in promoting sustainability through culture and art, promotes and continuously works on its commitment to being a sustainable theatre.
The Gran Teatre del Liceu was the first European theatre to obtain ISO 14.001 certification in 2004, complying with international standards of environmental management systems, as well as the EMAS (Ecomanagement and Audit Scheme) certification, European Regulation of eco-management systems and eco-audit.
In 2011, obtained the ISO 50.001 certification that accredits its Energy Management System, thus becoming the first opera house in Europe to achieve this distinction.
In 2016 and, with the spirit of being an example to follow and encouraging other cultural institutions, obtained the Distintiu de Garantia de Qualitat Ambiental. This distinctive is a Catalan ecological labelling system that officially identifies and certifies that certain products or services exceed certain environmental quality requirements beyond those established as mandatory by current regulations.
In 2019, the Gran Teatre del Liceu adheres to the Barcelona Biosphere Commitment to Tourism Sustainability, which recognizes those tour operators who are committed to responsible and respectful management of the environment, culture, working conditions, gender equality and social and economic return.

The environmental and energy management system is a self-assessment tool to assess the environmental impacts associated with the theatre’s activity. From this knowledge, a process of continuous improvement is triggered in daily work, establishing the necessary self-control mechanisms.
Each season, the theatre prepares the Environmental Statement, a public document available on the website that details environmental performance data, the degree of achievement of objectives and compliance with legal requirements and other requirements.
Awards and mentions
- 2011 EMAS Catalunya Award for the best environmental implementation.
- Honourable Mention in energy savings and efficiency at the EnerAgen 2012 awards.
- Best Energy Service Project Award 2015: The jury of these awards, made up of members of the European Commission, European Investment Bank, European Federation of Energy Agencies and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, awarded the Best Energy Service Project award 2014 to the Liceu for its energy savings and efficiency plan, technological innovation, and sustainable financing.
What do we do to reduce our environmental impact?
Energy efficiency
The main energy consumption of the theatre is from air conditioning, stage lighting and general services.
What do we do to improve energy efficiency?
- Efficient lighting: Almost 100% of the 7,500 luminaires are LED.
- Highly technical energy management: Monitoring of consumption and energy conduction of the building and its facilities in real time. Time programming of lighting and air conditioning.
- Contracting of 100% renewable electrical energy.
- Efficient technology: Thermo-refrigeration plant with magnetic levitation system, renewal of more efficient air conditioners.
The most relevant water consumption in the theatre is due to air conditioning and humidification, and the sanitary use of spectators and theatre equipment.
What do we do to optimize water consumption?
- Systems that promote water savings in taps: Atomizers, timers, sensors.
- Daily consumption control with sectorized meters.
Circular economy
Environmental measures adopted to promote the circular economy:
- Effective waste segregation system to guarantee its recovery.
- Environmental criteria are included in the reference documents for the implementation of new productions and construction of scenic elements.
- Preparation of an environmental balance of the materials used in sets. (% reuse, use of recycled materials).
Greening of contracts:
Inclusion and monitoring of environmental clauses in the contracting (Ex. Segregation of waste and ecological cleaning products in catering and cleaning services, road transport contract, % Euro VI Fleet is established as an assessment criterion, etc.).
Publications and communication
Sustainable printing criteria:
- Digital or dematerialization of communication.
- Theatre publications with FSC certified paper (source of paper from sustainably managed forests) and trying to avoid laminated covers and use recycled paper.
Environmental and Energy Committee
The theatre has a committee that promotes commitment, made up of: Economic-Financial Management, Technical Management, HR Management, General Facilities Manager, Technical and Logistics Office Manager, Purchasing Manager.