Front Web Loquillo


25è Banco Mediolanum Festival Mil·lenni

Poetic Anthology: 30 years of Transgressions

Loquillo returns to theaters, auditoriums, and festivals with a new show accompanied by a large band to offer his poetic side, without losing the strength and passion of his performances. In 1994, Loquillo already dared to bring sung poetry to the stage.

Since then, he has recorded several albums based on contemporary poetry, and now he compiles the best of this work in "Poetic Anthology: 30 years of Transgressions" (double CD). A work with 30 tracks that will be released in the spring, including adaptations of Bernardo Atxaga, Julio Martínez Mesanza, Mario Benedetti, Jacques Brel, Luis Eduardo Aute, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, or Jaime Gil de Biedma, among others. Poets have been his references after the publication of "La vida por delante" (1994), "Con elegancia" (1998), "Mujeres en pie de guerra" (2004), "Su nombre era el de todas las mujeres" (2011), and "Loquillo en Madrid" (2012).

This project will bring him back to theaters accompanied by a large band to offer his poetic side, without losing the strength and passion of his performances.

Promoted by

Concert Studio 
C/ Moià, 14. Baixos. 08006 Barcelona 
[email protected]

Dates & tickets


25è Banco Mediolanum Festival Mil·lenni